The Aurora Series
From my SEE THROUGH collection that made its debut at the ARTPEOPLE Gallery in downtown San Francisco, September 2012. Photographs of aquatic elements were mapped & used to model 3-dimensional ballerinas. From this process 2-dimensional images were created & layered in Photoshop to create 4 separate images (quadtych) depicting the northern lights. The installation was highlighted with a video projecting ballerinas and jelly fish in a synchronized dance movement. A collaboration with Kush Amerasinghe of (Adobe Systems, Inc). San Francisco 2012.
ABOUT SEE THROUGH It is a celebration of beauty in the form of experiments with digital image layering techniques and elements with transparency. The highlight of this series is the four main pieces titled ‘Sun’, ‘Moon’, ‘Stars’ and ‘Clouds’ which I collaborated with digital artist/computer scientist, Kush Amerasinghe to interpret common celestial elements using human figures and translucent subject matter (ex.jellyfish). I brought in my ability to capture human subtleties through portraiture and my documentary background in the fields of both photography and video. This combined with the curiosity to explore emerging trends in photo manipulation technologies and creative expression with Kush who is a multidisciplinary expert at Adobe Systems Inc.
This series depicting entities related to the sky explores the need to see through our world both literally in terms of how transparency creates delicate beauty as well as figuratively in terms of our need to understand and imagine the intricacies of who we are.